The DCI movement is 25 years old next year, 2010, still growing strongly, everybody is a volunteer and sees this work as their response to the call of God, we have no buildings, we pay no salaries and we invest all of our income in the call of Christ in the Great Commission.

We are involved in providing free training, equipping and support for mission and church planting, micro-credit facilities, business for mission projects and blessing the poor projects across the developing world, mainly through our on-line community on these pages which have registered over 40 million hits. People can live anywhere in the world for most of the jobs, but the only common language we have is English so you must speak or write in this language, although we also work in Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and Indonesian.

We are in no position to pay salaries unfortunately, but we can help with expenses and a gift here and there. We do help people to raise their own support where needed, but in fact most of the jobs can be done part-time in a few hours a week after regular work or studies, with only one or two being more long-term and requiring commitment, especially the one for my successor.
We need people to set up prayer groups and triplets in churches and homes worldwide.

We need an assistant to make, update and maintain our web pages working on-line in English or Bahasi with Yoppi in Indonesia.

We need translators from English to Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indo-China languages, Russian and Arabic.

We need Support Line writers to answer e-mail enquiries for us in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indo-China languages, Russian and Arabic.

We need an assistant or deputy writer/ editor to update the news pages every two days working on-line with Les Norman in the UK.

We need an experienced professional Chairman, Company Secretary and more Trustees who are also the Fund Managers for the DCI Fund based in the East Midlands, UK.

We need a Deputy for Les and Pilar Norman, our founders, who may take over their leadership role in time and set the vision for the next twenty-five years.

We need a retired or active pastor to look after us, that is our DCI leaders and volunteers and we would welcome a mature, missions minded church to adopt the movement as a whole.

We always need people who are willing to go into the Great Commission, and people who are willing to send them.

Write to me here please
and please write in English so we can see if we can communicate with each other.

Thank you.

Les Norman.
The founder of the DCI movement in the UK and now worldwide.

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