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3. The Great Commission

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In your Bible read this
Acts 1 to Acts 2.4

Here is your memory verse
This same Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven,
will come back in the same way you have seen him go. Acts 1.11

Afterwards talk about this
In what ways can we follow Jesus by going around doing good,
as well as preaching, speaking and teaching. See how many ways
you can name. Make a list of things to do later on.

Something to do before next time
Meet together to pray for each other to be baptised in the Holy Spirit
or filled again with him, as happened many times to the believers
in Acts. Paul says in Eph. 5.18, "be being filled with the Holy Spirit."

Written diploma work
Write at least one page, but no more than two identifying your
Jerusalem, your Judea and Samaria and where the ends of the earth
might be for you. Say what each is like.

Meditate word by word on this verse
Acts 1.8

Spend a Minute to Change the World
Pray for Iran - Operation World page 304
65,000,000 Persian people, 65 ethnic groups, 99% Muslim,
Revolution, bloodshed, dismay, but Church growing in persecution.


Be sure to teach this lesson to others.
Always pray and prepare well adding
your own verses and stories to bring it to life.


In Acts 1 we discover six powerful commands that will help us to serve God, and minister well to a world of people.

1. Do good

Acts 1.1 says that Jesus only began to do and to teach which means that he has not finished yet. Today Jesus, the head works through his body, the church. We are his hands, feet, eyes and lips.

Some churches only want to be lips that speak but Acts 10.38 says that Jesus was anointed to do good. He showed us God and his great love for men and women by what he did. Jesus then explained God by what he said.

2. Be filled with the Holy Spirit

Why? Because Acts 1.2 says that Jesus ministered through the Holy Spirit.

Why is this so important?
When Jesus came to earth as a baby, he left all his divine power in heaven, Philippians 2.7. When he spoke or did miracles he did so as a man who knew how to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus says that men today can also do the same works that he did, and even greater ones by the same power of Holy Spirit. See John 14,12.

Are you filled with Holy Spirit?
Jesus knew how necessary this is and in verse 5 he promised his disciples that in a few days they also would be baptised, that means submerged or soaked in Holy Spirit. See Matthew 3.11-17, Acts 2.39 and lesson
23 The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit empowers you
In verse 8, Jesus said they would receive ‘dunamis’ or explosive power when Holy Spirit came upon them. From dunamis we get powerful words like dynamo and dynamite. Authority, even the delegated authority God gives, is impotent unless it can be enforced. Holy Spirit ‘dunamis’ is that ability to demonstrate the authority we have. Remember too how the disciples all ran away when Jesus was arrested? See what happens to them, especially to Peter when they are filled with ‘dunamis.‘ Acts 2.14 onwards.

The purpose of the power
Holy Spirit comes for one reason, to witness with power that Jesus is alive.

3. Be a witness

What is a witness? Suppose two trucks crash and the drivers fight. The police say, "Who saw this?" They want witnesses. A witness only has to say what he saw. He gives no opinion on what happened before, makes no judgements, and he is not responsible for what happens next, but upon his willingness to testify depends the future freedom or captivity of a man. That’s being a witness, a responsible job that we have all been given to do.

What have we seen?
We have seen Jesus working in us, forgiving, healing and blessing and so we have a lot to say. The Holy Spirit then works through our words persuading men and women that what we say is true. If they believe and accept Jesus they are free, if not they remain in captivity to sin and to Satan. Where do we go and tell our story? We have all been assigned a part of God’s vineyard to work in. 2 Cor. 10.13.

In Jerusalem
Most people must tell their story in Jerusalem which stands for their home town where they speak the language and know their way around, Luke 8.39.

In Judea and Samaria
Some will be called to go to Judea and Samaria which are the nearby provinces, where people are similar but a bit different in dialect and prejudices.

Even to the ends of the earth
A few are called to go far away where the people, climate, language, culture and foods are very different and once there, tell the people that Jesus is alive.

4. Work with urgency

We must do our job with urgency until Jesus comes again, as the angels promised he would in a powerful message, see Acts 1.11. We will talk about when that might be a little later on, but many signs tell us that his return may be soon. Now is the time to pray and to win family and friends for Jesus.

When he comes next time it will not be as a baby but as Lord and King to reign for a thousand years. Jesus will put this world right with true justice before winding up human history by creating a new heaven and a new earth.

5. Make Jesus Lord and King

This is important because Acts 1.3 says that Jesus spent forty days teaching his followers all about the Kingdom of God.

King-dom means the dominion or rule of a King. So wherever Jesus is Lord the righteous rule of God comes in. Lives, families, churches and even whole villages are changed when Jesus is made King and has his way among us.

6. Pray together and without ceasing

The first thing that the believers did on that first day without Jesus was to restore communication with him through prayer.

Acts 1, 12 to 15 tell us that the disciples, the women and the brothers of Jesus were united as one, together in continual prayer. Mary, the mother of Jesus was there as an intercessor, talking to her Son through prayer. From Luke 24.49 we know their prayer was, "Come Holy Spirit, empower us," and in Acts 2 they received a mighty answer.

7. Appoint new leaders

Acts 1, 15 to 26 show how the disciples replaced Judas with another who knew Jesus was alive. Not one leader must be missing. People need direction and all their spiritual and natural energy harnessed for the gospel. So if God is challenging you to rise and take responsibility in the work, say yes to him, even today.


To Close Pray For The World's Most Unreached Peoples By Name
Taken from the Joshua Project Unreached Peoples List these people have no church and as yet no cell, church or mission has committed themselves to prayer, adoption or church planting among this people.

Burkina Faso (2)

People Name



Toussian (Win, Tusia)

Toussian, Northern


Viewo (Vige, Vigu, Viemo)

Vigue (Viemo)


Yarsi (Wala, Dagaari Jula)

Yari (Dagaari-Jula, Wala)
