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School of Discipleship

13. Being Like Jesus
The fruit of the Spirit is the nature
of the Son of God

3,000 free pages      

In Your Bible Read This
1 John 3, 1-3; Philippians 2, 1-11

Here Is Your Memory Verse
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5, 22-23

Afterwards Talk About This
Can you think of anyone you know, or from history, or in the news,
that shows consistently this kind of Christ like life?

Something To Do Before Next Time
Meditate quietly on each Bible meaning of love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
Examine your own attitudes and decide how you can reach
the higher standards with God’s help.

Diploma Work
Write nine very short paragraphs showing in the gospels
where Jesus showed each fruit of the Spirit.

Meditate On This Passage
2 Peter 1, 3-4

Spend a Minute to Change the World
Pray For Austria - 8,000,000 European people
83% Roman Catholic, much occultism, alcoholism and suicide

Be sure to teach this lesson to others.
Always pray and prepare well adding
your own verses and stories to bring it to life.


God is working hard to release in us the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is the beautiful nature of Jesus. So what kind of fruit is he looking out for in our lives?

1. Love, But What Kind?

There are many kinds of love, some very noble. For example in the Bible we can find the love of family or friends, the love of being first, the love of brothers and sisters, the love of money, a woman's love for her family, the love of mankind and the love of pleasure. All of these loves are man's love, ‘phileo,’ but God’s great love is another word, ‘agape.’ He loves you unconditionally, no less in failure and no more in success. He just loves you.

God himself is ‘agape’! 1 John 4.8
He ‘agapes Jesus.’ John 17.26
God ‘agapes’ people in the same way and shows ‘agape’ by the gift of his Son.
John 3.16, 1 John 4,9 -10.
The Father has even more ‘agape’ for those who love Jesus. John 14.21

Agape In Action
While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. That’s ‘agape’ love. Romans 5.8
See how Jesus showed the fullness of his ‘agape’ love in John 13, 1-34
Jesus commands us to ‘agape’ each other and to show ‘agape’ to everyone. John 13.34,35; 1 Thes 3.12; 1 Cor. 13. 1-8.

So How Is Your Love Life?
Are you compelled to go, by agape ?
2 Corinthians 5.14-20
What to do with agape. 1 John 3.16-18
Where to find more agape. Romans 5.5.

2. The Joy - Of The Lord

Jesus is anointed with the oil of joy, Heb. 1.9. Jesus enjoyed people, weddings and parties. A word in Luke 10.21 means he leaped for joy, and foreseeing joy helped Jesus to bear the Cross. Hebrews 12.2.

Following Jesus Brings Joy
See Luke 10.17; Acts 13.52
Cities can experience joy. Acts 8.8
Joy is one goal of ministry.
See Philippians 1.25 and 2 Cor 1.24
Jesus wants your joy to be overflowing. You will find how from John 15.1-11.

3. Peace, Like A River

The bible words ‘eirene’ and ‘shalom’ mean national tranquillity, no war even between individuals; safety, prosperity, happiness. It is the peace of a saved soul fearing nothing from God, content with life and assured of eternity. Jesus is the Prince of peace, and he gives his peace to troubled people. No wonder Paul always opens his letters with a prayer for ‘eirene.’ Isa. 9.6; 2 Thess. 3.16; Luke 7.50, 8.48.

How To Find The Peace Of God
From the promise in Philippians 4.1-7

Keep relationships sweet.
Lifestyle of praise in all circumstances.
Know that the Lord is near to meet you.
Don't worry, instead pray and ask God.
His peace will guard your heart and mind.

4. Give Me Patience, Now!

Here is a word ‘makrothumia’ which really means long suffering, endurance, and keeping your temper for a long time in the face of provocation. The word contains the suffering that comes when we wait for a long time for hard-hearted people to come to Christ, as God himself suffers long whilst we delay in knowing him. Rom. 2.4, 9.22.

By Faith, And By Patience
We receive God's promises. Heb. 6.12.

5. Kindness And Goodness

Here are two very similar words. One is ‘chrestotes,’ kindness or goodness in compassion, and ‘agathosune’ which means putting what is good into action.

Jesus Was Kind And Good
He was 'chrestotes,' kind and tender to a sinful but repentant woman but he also put goodness agathosune' into action when he cleansed the temple. Luke 7,37-50, Matthew 21, 12-13. See Acts 10.30 to see two things that Jesus was anointed for.

6. Faithfulness

Jesus promised to go ahead of his disciples into Galilee. He proved his word to be absolutely faithful, ‘pistis,’ because to keep his word Jesus had to go through Gethsemane, the Cross, the grave, hell, heaven and the resurrection. Mat. 26.32.

God’s Plan Is To Make You Faithful.
Is your yes really ‘Yes’? Matthew 5.37
Do you keep your promises? Psa. 15.5
Will the King call you a good and faithful servant? Matthew 25.21

7. Gentleness

This is ‘praotes,’ a Christ-like humble and meek attitude towards God that welcomes all of his dealings with us as good, even if we do not like them. Jesus is the Lion of Judah, but he is also the meek Lamb of God, submitted to the Father. It is the meek who are blessed. Matthew 5.5. We are to learn from Jesus. Mat. 11.29

8. Can You Control Yourself?

if it's 'No?' You need ‘egkrateia,’ that is self control of those desires and passions .

Jesus Knew How To Say No!
In Luke 4.1-14 you can see how Jesus controlled himself in a time of weakness.
When Jesus was hungry, the devil said misuse your powers to meet your personal need of food. NO!
Satan tempted Jesus with a short cut to avoid the cross. NO!
Satan suggested instant fame by a public show on the temple roof. NO!

We Need God’s Help To Control Self
To take thoughts captive. 2 Cor. 10.5
To tame the tongue. Jam. 3.8, Acts 2.4
To control our bodies. 1 Thess. 4.4


To Close Pray for the World's Most Unreached Peoples by Name
Taken from the Joshua Project Unreached Peoples List these people have no church and as yet no cell, church or mission has committed themselves to prayer, adoption or church planting among this people.


People Name



Multani (Siraiki Hindi)



Muria (Jhoria)

Muria, Western











Saharia (Sor)







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