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School of Leadership

3. Call of God
Jimmy Carter followed the call of God
and became President of the USA

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In Your Bible Read This
Romans 12; 1 Samuel 3.

Here Is Your Memory Verse
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men.
At once they left their nets and followed him." Matthew 4.19-20

Afterwards Talk About This
Tell each other what you believe God is calling to you be and to do,
however small or great that might be.

Something To Do Before Next Time
Take one step towards entering into your calling.
Pray, think about this, do something significant or prophetic,
and tell each other next time what you have done

Written Diploma Work
Write a list with references of as many different ways as you can find in the Bible of how God called men and women.

Meditate Word By Word On This Verse
Amos 7.14-15

Spend a Minute to Change the World
Pray For Paraguay - 5,000,000 Spanish & Guarani peoples
In the South American interior, 92% Catholic, 6% Evangelicals

Be sure to teach this lesson to others.
Always pray and prepare well adding
your own verses and stories to bring it to life.


Called To What?

The first 11 chapters of Romans are about God's goodness to undeserving people, Jews and others alike. Then Paul says in Romans 12 that because of such mercy we are called to -

1. Offer him our bodies as living sacrifices,
unlike the dead offerings of the Old Testament.
2. Not conform to the ways of the world.
3. Renew our thinking by the word of God.
Why ? Because when we do this then God promises that we will know and approve his will.
Called To Know God's Will
First of all we discover that God's will for us is good, that he loves us and wants the best for us and for others. Later we find that his will is actually pleasing to us. Finally we realise that God's will is perfect so we totally surrender to it and no longer want our own way. Romans 12.2.
Called To See Ourselves Correctly
Not swelled up with pride or seeing ourselves as useless worms. Unworthy yes, but equally of great value in the eyes of God. Romans 12.3.
Called To Find Our Place
No one can serve God in isolation, doing his own thing. We are part of a body, of whom Jesus is the head. Many people want to be a mouth but can you imagine a huge mouth walking down the street with only tiny legs, arms and hands ? What a monster ! Ask God and He will fit you into the body exactly where you should be. Romans 12, 4-5; 1 Cor. 12.18; 12-26.
Called To Use Our Gifts
Like a useful electric tool, when we are plugged in where we fit, then the power flows, in our case as God releases his gifts through us to bless the body. Romans 12, 6-8.
Called To Be Different
From Romans 12.9 to 13.10 Paul turns his theology into practice and explains in detail all about the Godly lifestyle that everyone is called to follow, enjoy and witness by.

How Does God Call?

There are six principles here, four concerning God and two concerning you:

  1. God is always at work in the world.
  2. God is pursuing a love relationship with you which is real and personal.
  3. God speaks to you by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances and the church to reveal himself, his purposes and his ways.
  4. One day God invites you to join him in what he is already doing in the world. The call of God is never for you to do what you can do, however good, it is always to become involved with His ongoing work. Neither are the needs of the world the call of God, they are only the opportunities of today.
  5. God's invitation for you to work with him always leads to a crisis of belief that requires faith and action. Satan often contests the call of God, asking, "Did God really say?"
  6. To join God in his work you will have to make major adjustments in your life, family and career.

How Does It Happen?

Abraham, Moses, Gideon, Samuel, Jeremiah and Amos all heard the voice of God. Joshua, Saul, David, Elisha, the Seven (Acts 6, 3-6) and Timothy were called by God through prophets and leaders. Jesus appeared to the disciples and to Paul. (Acts 9)

God Calls Women Too!
In fact about 75% of all missionaries are ladies. In countries like the Philippines, many church leaders are ladies.
What Can They Do?
Although churches have different views about this,
the Bible records that -
Deborah, was a prophet, and led Israel.
Judges 4; 5.
Ruth was an ancestor of Jesus.
Huldah prophesied to priests and leaders, 2 Kings 22.14
Esther saved the nation.
The daughters of Num. 27, 3-6 inherited equally when men were absent.
Philip’s prophetic daughters, Acts 21.9
Dorcas did good works for the poor, Acts 9.36
Mary Magdalene, was the first to see the risen Lord, John 20.17.
Junia was regarded by many church fathers as a woman and an apostle
Phoebe was a 'prostasis,' a helper of many, a woman over others, a position of considerable scriptural authority. Nympha held church in her house; Chloe had people who reported to Paul, and Priscilla, Rufus's mother, Lois, Eunice, and Apphia are fellow workers in the gospel. Romans 16.1; Col. 4.15; 1 Cor. 1.11, 2 Tim. 1.5; Philemon 2.

Called To Where?

Is it to Arabia or just across the road ? First of all we are called not to a place but to a person, Jesus. Matthew 9.35 to 10.10.

It Is Jesus Who Calls You
Because the harvest is plentiful and the workers always too few.
It Is Jesus You Are Called To
The call is always first of all to Jesus, to spend time with him learning to obey.
It Is Jesus Who Equips You
With all the spiritual authority you need to heal the sick and cast out demons.
He knows you by name, and helps you through your weaknesses until you are ready to go. 10.2-4
It Is Jesus Who Sends You
In his time with clear instructions, 10.5

To Close Pray for the World's Most Unreached Peoples by Name
Taken from the Joshua Project Unreached Peoples List these people have no church and as yet no cell, church or mission has committed themselves to prayer, adoption or church planting among this people.

Myanmar (Burma)

People Name



Malay, Salon




Panjabi, Eastern



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