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Who am I ?


Dear Student and Reader,

I have no church position, pulpit, religious title or salary. I speak about Jesus only from time to time in the local village church we attend in my own country, but my friends, my colleagues and my former students have taken responsibility for many thousands of people, most of them poor by anyone’s standards, in over 100 countries of the world.

I was born and still live in the West, but sometimes I wonder if that wasn't one of God’s rare mistakes. I rarely leave my family that I love yet I delight in spending nearly every waking moment serving in Africa, in India or even further away where no-one else ever seems to go to.  I live in a rented cottage on a farm, at the end of a road with only fields beyond, in the middle of nowhere.

A long time ago, I was a businessman with a big house and a big car, but now my greatest friends, to whom I would trust my life, are among the forgotten peoples of the world. Once upon a time I drank too much, treated people very badly, made many mistakes and thought nothing of it. Then in 1977 Jesus met with me; he saved me, healed me, set me free from innumerable vices and habits, filled me with his Spirit and called me to serve him. This I have done for twenty-seven years by the grace of God alone, and with the help of my family and a small circle of dear friends from different churches. If you wish you can find out a bit more from this page

The lessons in this book have been a blessing to me and I hope they are to you as well. The mistakes are mine alone; forgive me please, I am still a learner and willing to be corrected, and always will be.

Together with my wife and my children we send you our greetings with our prayers, only asking that you will pray for us also.

Who am I ? I am yours, because of Jesus,

A fellow servant.



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