At 84 years of age senior minister Eric Maddison released
a treasury of wisdom proven throughout a lifetime of pastoral counselling
Pastor Eric has been a blessing to our lives for over 29 years and 
his book is n
ot to be missed at any price - but for free  . . wow !
Les and Pilar, the editors

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The Contents

1. Are You Missing God's Best ?  2. The Missing Dimension
3. Believers in Lead Boots   4. Full of the Spirit but Blocked
5. Control Those Emotional Swings  6. Difficulties, Dangers and Delights
7. Rejection Holocaust  8. Rejection Damage
9. Another Gospel  10. Buried with Him in Baptism 
11. Identity Crisis ? Resolved! 12. The Search of the Centuries
13. The Facts of Life 14. Just a Memory ?
15. Divine Health 16. Don't Hurt Yourself
17. You Will Find God's Best

You can buy also the book for £5.95 in UK Christian bookshops
or in all good booksellers by quoting the title
and ISBN 1-903725-33-X by New Wine Press

Distribute this book in your country

We are prepared to grant free of charge translation, printing and distribution rights
for this book to Christian publishers worldwide in return for a copy of the
translation to be published on this website alongside the French, Spanish,
Russian, Indonesian, Urdu and Portuguese editions.
We are particularly interested in a Chinese and Korean edition.

We would ask for a percentage of any profits to be dedicated
to Christian work or mission in your country.

Contact us to discuss this

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