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Editor: Les Norman, (England) and José Luis Iparraguirre D'ELia (Argentina)
Design and Layou:t Dave Wilson of Web 1 (England)
Ana Maria Avilez (Honduras)


Why Gandhi did not become a Christian

He remained a Hindu till the end. He praised Christ as one of the incarnations of God –not as the only one. He never took the final step to become a Christian. In an autobiography published in India, he says that when he was a student he was very much impacted by the Gospels, and considered baptising and joining a church. He thought that the solution to racial prejudice and the differences imposed by the caste system in India and Southern Africa lay in Christianity. On a Sunday morning, Gandhi went to a church nearby, having made up his mind to talk with the pastor after the service and discussing baptism. When he walked in the temple, the ushers refused to show him to a seat and suggested him to attend a church for Negroes. Gandhi left that temple not to return ever more. “If there are also class differences among Christian people, I will remain a Hindu and will attack this evil from there”, he thought. Someone could totally refuse hearing the Gospel after the slightest of our gestures, our carelessness or, even worse, our mistreatment. Are we providing a good testimony at work, school, college, or even, at church?
Sent by Pastora Ana Maria Avilez, Honduras

What's the best way of sending to Malawi ?
Christian Greetings! Les, I have two pastors in Malawi that between them oversight many small churches. I am wondering if there is any organisation that would be able to send them materials and equipment like CD players cheaper than I can from here?
Pastor FG, Australia.

§ Hi Pastor, Well, let me see. Mission Supplies in the UK will send anything and everything, big and small, and are good at it. However, we have found that if you are supporting honest and reliable men, it is much easier to send some money for them to go and buy what they need, rather than you buying the goods at home and then paying for all the packaging, insurance and shipping. Or go and buy the items at rock bottom prices on E-Bay and have the sellers ship direct to Malawi. Hope that helps a bit.

Learn about the Church and Islam
I have just finished the translation into Portuguese of a book about the Islamic history, the crusades, the pillars of Islam and the main differences between tIslam and Christianity. You can have this book by e-mail, for just a small cost for the translation. If you can read Portuguese e-mail me.
Pr.Rodnei Nelson Bortolozzo, Londrina. (DCI Partner)

 Burkina Faso
Making Poverty History one lady at a time

Back in the late 80's I think we were the one of the first in the UK to see that micro-enterprise was a brilliant way of making poverty history, one person at a time. These days lots of churches and missions know that a Bank for the Poor is a brilliant way of serving the lost, the last and least of the world. The photos are from Burkina Faso where our friend Josephine launched a new project in June for 24 ladies, all are very poor, some are AIDS widows. You can see fast food, firewood and charcoal being sold. All 24 projects were started with a gift of £1000 and the weekly repayments so far have been enough to take five more ladies off the waiting list.

We also need substantial financial help us to dig a well and to install some electricity in a new centre in Burkina which will feed, house and educate hundreds of poor people. Would you or your church like to join with us in this project which will help feed, house, educate and care for hundreds of poor men, women and children? We need a lot of partners for this one !
Les and Pilar
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Let Africans reach their people.
When I opened Operation World about Cameroon, I saw that missionaries are desperately needed to reach communities in the North, many of whom are Muslims, the Jesus film has been translated in 10 of our languages. This is nothing but the truth, our missionary is right at the heart of the North and nobody supports this poor lady with her orphans except you at DCI. There are a thousand young men and women here ready to go but who need training. Believe me Les, I am personally able to gather 200 missionaries this year and train them but people overseas still prefer to send a young man from California with a Jeep who needs to live in a proper house and costs over $50,000 a year to support. Let Africans reach their people. We are ready, a Cameroonian will adapt to the North in less than a month. I am not happy with what is going on in the christendom, those who are willing to work never receive the necessary support.
Rev.Dr Talla Andre, Cemi, Yaounde.

§ I know exactly how you feel about the way the West insists on sending out missionaries that cost around $50,000 a year to maintain when for the same money maybe 50 African missionaries could be sent out to do a better job. But sadly, that is the way it is although things are better and brighter than they used to be 20 years ago when hardly anyone except ourselves would ever support a national missionary. I have felt like that voice crying in the desert on a thousand and one occasions, with no one listening but we have persevered in the grace and the provision of the Lord and we are seeing better things these days.

The last Word about Pat Robertson
Just to say that I strongly reject Pr Pat Robertson’s declarations about murdering the President of Venezuela. Bad thoughts go through the heads of all of us, but making them public, broadcasting and even “preaching” about them is another matter. This pastor has great influence on millions of people. Club 700 has been a blessing for millions, so I gather that his is not the official opinion of that ministry. When we grow in ministry we realise that it can sap the life away from us, or that we can use it for “something we think is good” but which, in this case, brought in my opinion some irreparable consequences to the Christian world.
Pr. Ivan Quero, Chile.

§ I think that this justifiably biting editorial in the UK's Christianity magazine says it all, "Whether we have an audience or not, we all need to think before we open our mouths."
Les and Pilar.

No one knew where the church was !
Hello Les, how are you? A friend of mine, from Chile, has just arrived from Rennes, France, where he’s studying at the university. He told me he has been looking for a church to join, but does not know of any and no one seems to know either. He is rather sad because of this.
Claudia Andrea Gonzalez Serrano

§ Hello Claudia: that is France for you, I’m sorry. These web pages are what your friend needs: France Mission and Top Chretien FM has two churches in Rennes but be warned that churches in France are not at all like those in Chile; they are more traditional. Europe needs a great move of God.
Les Norman.

Architect offers his services
I want to offer my services. I am an architect, here and anywhere else in the world. My wife and I are very interested in opening a school in a deprived area of our city. Actually, we want to open many schools, not just one.
Luis Alfredo Tovar Leandro, Baranquilla.

Taking Jesus to the poor
Due to the violence and poverty Colombia is immersed in, many orphans and widows wander about on the streets of the main cities. We have decided to become part of the solution and not resign ourselves with the problem. Our church is reaching out those people. We can see the support of God when we bring them not just bread for them to eat, but the bread of eternal life which is the gospel of Jesus and which transforms their lives by his unfailing love and gives them an opportunity to be included with jobs in a society that looks down on them and rejects them. We want to get in touch with organisations that could send us elementary discipleship materials. Many of them are illiterate but believe without understanding. The power of God marvellously manifests in their lives. We need more missionaries in Colombia who feel the gentle love of Jesus, passionate about these poor and needy brothers and sisters.
Pastora Yenny Betancourt Coronell, Barranquilla.

 Costa Rica
Preach the gospel, for free, on radio
We offer our services for free if you want to broadcast a programme about evangelism to encourage all our listeners.
Wilky Vega Sanchez, Santa Ana

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Are you in West Africa ?
I have been working in West Africa for 12 years now, the last 5 years teaching in churches both in French and English using most of your lessons. It has been pure teaching according to the Bible confirmed by the work of the Holy Spirit. Normally we find "partner-churches" where I come to teach. Now we want to create a real bible school with local offices with the local churches only asking the churches to cover a part of the cost of photocopies. If you have any good contacts among the churches in West Africa, maybe they can be partner-churches as well.
Dr Ole Jacobsen, Odense. (Soon)

 Fiji Islands
Missions students welcome here
South Pacific Missionary Training Centre's vision is to serve the Pacific by training for world mission. We invite international students to come to Fiji to study and minister in a cross cultural situation as a mean of preparing them for mission service.
Frank Grimse, Suva

I can see a new generation of young believers
Three days ago, the Lord showed me that a new generation of young believers is being raised. Something never seen before –young people serious about their virginity who will not compromise the Word of God and who are invested with increasing authority and anointment against the shadows. Young people who have surrendered their lives and bodies to Jesus Christ and whose wisdom and revelation is overpassing previous ministries. Young people who are building down concepts and paradigms and who will establish the purity and truth of the Gospel, untouched and not tweaked. Young people who will deny themselves to the world for the sake of the excellence of teaching and delivering others. Young people who will defeat the shadows with the anointment of the Holy Spirit, the blood and the name of Jesus Christ, and their testimony. Young people who will reap the final harvest, although it may mean that they will be persecuted all over the world.
Pastor Ana Aviles, San Pedro Sula.

On the 39th day of his fasting . . .
Pastor Benny is in the 5th year of his ministry in a village and had gone through a lot of persecutions and trials. God strengthened him against Nanjundan, the demonic spirit of this area who has a lot of people in bondage to him. The people had used all sort of threats and tried to kill him through witchcraft, accidents and snake bites. Benny knew without the anointing and the power of God he could not continue and he set himself to fasting and prayer for 40 days. By the time we arrived on day 39 the mission house was packed with 100 people from different villages. God poured out his spirit and many were set free, eight people were baptized in the river.
Pastor Daniel, Kerala. (DCI Partner)

Extremist brought coffin for accused if found inncoent
Dr. Rebecca Laonita, Mrs Ratna Mala Bangun and Mrs Ety Pangesti were involved in a children's holiday project called 'Happy Week' in Haurgelis, West Java. They are inow imprisoned for "causing a child to convert to another religion." When the verdict was announced the courtroom shouted "Allahu akbar!", which means "God is great!" The three women are devastated to be separated from their children, ranging from the age of 6 to 19. Murderous threats were made by hundreds of Islamic extremists inside and outside the courtroom. One brought a coffin to bury the defendant if they were found innocent. The law requires providing religious education for children of religious minorities, and since the school in Babakan Jati had no means of providing Christian education, they asked GKKD church to provide a programme of prayers, songs, and tutoring in reading, writing and mathematics and trips to parks and swimming pools. The programme was very attractive for 10 Christian children and later for 30 Muslim children who attended with the full consent of their parents. The problems arose when the local authorities heard that some of the children had started to sing Christian praises at school and at home. Despite the fact that the families had full knowledge and did not have any complaints, the women were arrested and charged. Pangesti said, “I hoped that the verdict would give back our freedom. But if not, then praise the Lord. He is the One who directs the course of events in life.”
From Indonesia, name removed for security
Full story and photos here

Africa: A new force in world mission
I am proud of what God is doing through our missionary, Musa Aring, who with one other person from Nigeria, are the only non-white missionaries in Malawi. I could see firsthand that a new mission force has come in the history of the world mission. Musa graduated from our Nairobi training center in 2003 after he and his wife, both left well-paying jobs to enter ministry full-time. Musa’s humble house is open from morning to night for his students and church members. Musa is not just a “missionary” to Malawians, he is their “pastor” who just happens to be from Kenya! The largest church in Malawi holds only about 300 members. I was amazed to see some of the pastors humbly coming under the teachings of Pastor Musa, some sat on the cement floor as there were no extra chairs.
Paul & Eunice Lee, Nairobi, Kenya
Evangelical Alliance for Preacher Training & Commission

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Mongolia filled with foreign missionaries
Korean Christians working with homeless children, Catholic churches sprouting on the grassy steppe, young Mormons going door to door. The collapse of communism in 1990 brought religious freedom as well as democracy, opening the doors to proselytizers from around the world. They have flocked to this sparsely populated country wedged between Russia and China, eager for converts. "Here, history is ancient, but Christianity is very young," said a priest from Brazil. Even Orthodox Russian priests are back, not to proselytize but to serve the dwindling ranks of Russian expatriates who moved to Mongolia when it was a Soviet satellite.
Source: Akron Beacon Journal, USA

Sent in by Robert Hosken, Moscow

We reached out to 7000 children
Thirty six churches throughout the department of Lambayeque were visited thanks to the Project Operation ‘The Samaritan’. Furthermore, with the support by Samaritans Purse they were all blessed with gift boxes which included everything they needed. The most beautiful thing we are doing now is discipling every child who has accepted Jesus as his or her Saviour.
Rebeca Nunura, Chiclayo.

Their faces told the story . . .
Our conference was attended by some 60 pastors and key leaders in the civil administration who were very hungry for the teaching on forgiveness, healing the human spirit, fear, and generational sin. People shared horrific stories with us and it was the first time I had met someone who had died previously of malaria and been resurrected. The church has 3 walls and a tin roof with open windows and doors so everybody and goats wandered through. We were also able to preach the gospel and teach 2286 SPLA soldiers with Kalashnikovs plus ladies and children. Most put their hands up at the end to receive Jesus or to make a fresh recommitment, as well as ask for healing of their human spirits. There faces told the story that they did not want to have to fight any more for peace. Most were physically sick or injured in some way, which we prayed for too. It was very humbling to be surrounded by people so desperate for Bibles, and to be in a country with almost no infrastructure of any description.
KS, United Kingdom, with Flame International

 United Kingdom
Easy English magazine for development workers
TEAR Fund, the UK's evangelical NGO, produces Footsteps, a vital magazine with ideas for community development projects and support worldwide. It is particularly designed for second-language English speakers, and is equally useful to the mission community. Current and all back issues are available online and it is also available by post.
Tony Whittaker, Soon Ministries.

 United States
Think before you build that church ?
A new book titled Revolution by George Barna, the most-quoted statistician in the US church, concludes that the number of Christians attending traditional local church in the USA will decline rapidly from 70% today to 30-35% in 20 years time, and the number of followers of Jesus who do not attend a local church will grow from 30% to 70% in the next 20 years. Curiously although house or simple church, post-modern church etc. is currently home for only 5% of US Christians this will grow to 30-35% and another 30-35% will live out their faith in the media, arts and culture; while another 5% will have a family-based spiritual life. The revolutionary conclusion is that house or open church will become the mainstream of US Christianity in two decades from now and this must bring into question the value of major church building projects.
From FridayFax in English.
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Amos 3 v6-7 is God's early warning system
One million people have lost homes, and armed gangs made New Orleans a lawless jungle. The victims include almost no rich white people. New Orleans stood for lust, swing, paddleboats and Mardi Gras, now it stands for suffering, lawlessness and death. For years, scientists warned about a potential catastrophe in New Orleans, which is 5 metres under sea level, but it was not only scientists who predicted the catastrophe; a number of prophets also saw it coming. Rick Joyner in 1998 said his movement received a prophecy that "New Orleans will look like an estuary." Joyner writes now, "Over the next few years a great move of God will spread over that region, and many who have lost all of their possessions will gain something far better - eternal life. On 29th August 2004, one year to the day before the catastrophe, Chuck Pierce prophesied: "The wind and water will rise in the midst of New Orleans. Many from the south will come north for refuge. Prepare. Prepare now for winds and water that will surprise you. The wind from the south will begin to blow and will purify the land and bring great change. See the breathtaking Kim Clement prophecy also. Respected Swiss prophet Erich Reber who said, "God will shake London" one week before the London bombings, has seen a vision of a poisonous cloud in the USA as the result of an Islamic terrorist attack. Those who listen will be prepared and have answers in a time when many people will have questions about God.
Source: Wolfgang Simson and others at FridayFax.
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About Schools of English
Dear brother Les, thank you for your kind answer in the last edition. What I really do not want is that my son, who will soon be 17, stay with non-Christian families. I want that he can be in touch with Christian brothers and sisters, and if possible with Evangelical schools as well.
Esneyra Mendoza

§ Hello Esneyra: I understand the situation very well because our daughter is also 17. OK, I would suggest that you have a look at the Functional English school, because I have heard some very good reports about them and here are three more possibilities although I do not know them myself:
; Living Language and GTTN Hope everything goes well and that God guides you every step of the way.


The last word for today . .
Is a prophetic word for us
"I believe that as you have been obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit, however difficult that may have been, God will start to open many doors for you which you have not yet begun to imagine. I believe connections will be made which will move your work on, and I have a feeling that this is very much to do with the eventual handover to the next generation. There will be those who will run with you, catching up with you at first, but then running alongside, until they are totally in step with you, ready to take the baton from you when you reach the appropriate point. Rather than the mad scramble that we sometimes see in athletics, the handover will be in perfect rhythm, a natural progression, it will be as if you were standing still, even though you are moving at pace. Not that I’m suggesting you should be put out to grass, (far from it!) but I do believe there is to be a change of role. I feel this will perhaps be more towards mentoring those with similar passions in their hearts to your own, but lacking your wisdom and experience. Perhaps you may kick against the goads a bit, as you like to be hands-on, but by being obedient to that, your outreach to the lost can be so much more widespread than it has so far been."
Margaret Wendles, Riverside Church, Southwell.

§ This unexpected word is so spot-on that it reveals quiet conversations that we have had in prayer with the Lord for many months, and matches the prayers of different support groups that Margaret has never met. We really welcome prophetic words from readers who have that prophetic edge to their prayer lives, subject of course to the usual Bible EEC rule that "all can prophecy . . with words of Encouragment, Edification and Comfort."
Les and Pilar
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§ Would you like to work with us ? We need a volunteer Deputy Editor for these news page which come out in six languages, someone who eventually can take over my role. We also need someone with a gifting and an ability to approach charities, institutions, churches and other missions funding bodies to help us find more funds to support the people on these pages, and our own outreach to the lost, the last and the least of the world.
Les Norman
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After 27 years training leaders and helping them to start new churches, missions and Bible Schools, Les Norman these days is a guest speaker and a writer with a heart for the lost, the last and the least of the world and the Chairman of the DCI Trust. Pilar is a teacher, an intercessor, counsellor and a very popular Christian poet in the Spanish language. Our daughter Elisabeth is leading in youth work.
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