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Welcome to the March 24th 2004 edition
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Our deepest sympathy and prayers go to the Spanish people and to the hundreds of innocent victims of this appalling and indiscriminate terrorist bombing of trains and stations in Madrid, a city and a nation we love and know well.

Les and Pilar, 
For all in DCI World Christians fellowship


The BBC News story and pictures are here



Web Evangelism Seminar

In Perth 28/6-3/7, a week of lectures and workshops on building cross-cultural evangelistic websites, chatroom evangelism techniques, working with search engines and directories, email forums, believer blogs, creating cyberspace discipleship communities, and much more. Learn how to harness the power of the Internet to share the Gospel with the world's unreached.

YWAM Perth, Create International and

Tony Whittaker, editor of the Web Evangelism Guide


How do we relate to our Muslims ?

I was taken straight to the Australian Parliament where we had private appointments with many senior politicians. I spoke to the Parliamentary Christian Fellowship and was grilled at a special cross-party working group on the political and administrative implications of the Muslim presence in Australia. I am to be formally invited back to do more sessions at Parliament whenever I am next in the country.

Steve Bell, Friendship First, United Kingdom

§ We have known Steve for many years and see him as a leading expert on how to relate to the Muslim community at every level from national, to local, to churches to neighbours. Steve has years of hands-on experience in Muslim lands. In his seminars hours pass like minutes and if the Australian Government made time to listen to him, maybe your church should too, especially if you have Muslim neighbours who you do not understand very well.

Les and Pilar, the editors.



Putting God on Trial

My new book is a literary, legal and philosophical study of the Bible Book of Job, highly praised by Job scholars.

Robert Sutherland, Thunder Bay



14,000 kms from Taizé in France

Eighty young people came from the USA, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Belgium and from the poorest part of Santiago and Antofagasta; and most important of all, young people, huilliches and chilotes, farming families and fisher folk came from the island of Chiloé. It is difficult to describe in words what has been engraved on our hearts: spontaneous interventions, simplicity of the prayer, the love and the dedication of the young people, the flame of the Spirit, the warmth of trusting, the call to service, the light of hope that shines in the darkness. More here

The Taizé Community, France




The world, the flesh . .

and now the Internet !

Can you resist going to where you should not be going ? We hope so but if not neither it seems can thousands of other people, believers and pastors included, and this is the number one counselling pastoral issue for 2005.  It is just too easy, no-one sees you, the high that porn gives is all too addictive and the guilt afterwards all too painful.  If the pictures and the temptation are irresistible for you too, now is the very best time for you to go this page and choose someone to ask for help.  No-one will see you going there - no-one will know, and it will be that first step towards freedom and victory over 21st century sin. Why not get a filter from and get someone else to put the password in for you.  Change to an ISP that filters out SPAM and porn e-mails, here we have 4 on-line filters and almost nothing bad gets through.

Les and Pilar, the editors


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Just back, here's what happened . .

I was surprised how the younger generation of Chinese are hankering after Western capitalist values and lifestyle. It was also a privilege to observe, first hand, the situation in the city with the highest number of unreached minority groups in China including Uygar and Tajik Muslims.  Just after my arrival, there was yet another government crackdown and some key underground leaders were imprisoned, which made everyone nervous. A top reliable source gave the reason for the arrests as the recent politically provocative book by David Aikman 'Jesus in Beijing' and a video called 'The Cross in China', which attempts to expose the persecution of the underground Church. Both have angered the government. Real names and photographs of people were used, which has further blown the cover of local people already known to the authorities. As a result, all our training programmes were put on hold.

Name removed for security reasons.

The writer is well-known to us and 100% genuine.



Give a Bible to a poor believer

If Lord's will our assembly announced with prayers that on 5 May we will distribute Bibles for poor believers in Guntur. We request Christian believers to give one or more Bibles as a gift for those who are not able to purchase. Each bible cost in 150 Indian rupees (£2/$3)

Pastor Samuel John, Guntur, AP.


Children with cancer . .

My work has have gained momentum and I am meeting them, giving toys, fruits and biscuits with the limited means I have. I look forward to some help to continue this work and do even more to bring Gospel to these children. If you know any organisation that can train me on passing on the Gospel to the cancer affected children please let me know. 

Lazarus, in Chennai



God needs people who are serious . .

With what they say and He calls out people to take the risk of the Great Commission of coming to Kenya. Come over here and help us. I would like to host somebody serious over here, to do something that will hit the continent, the Body of Christ and Kisumu City with excellence.

Rev. Wycliffe Mboya, Kisumu Hallelujah Church.




Missions School opened here . . .

Thank you for your Course We would like to thank you for your News Page and we are so blessed by the discovery of your 85 studies. We have already opened a School here in Mauritania. We would like to ask you to pray for our country, that God will open doors for evangelisation. It is very difficult for us to keep going at times when we look at the lack of resources we have to carry out our activities and these need to be done in such a careful way as to not disturb and provoke our Muslim neighbours.

Pastor IA, Mauritania

§ To think that one of our Schools of Mission has been opened in Mauritania, one of the world’s most resistant and closed countries brings joy to the hearts of everyone in the DCI World Christians fellowship. God bless and keep these brothers, and provide for them every day.

Les and Pilar.


§ The latest BBC news about Africa is here

Free Bible School Materials  

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Still waiting for the gospel

At the end of this year, we will be taking a short-term training trip to villages in the mountains of Oaxaca, where the Gospel has not arrived yet.

Javier Fernández, Oaxaca.


Flames of Revival in Mexico

It is almost 40 days of prayer, fasting, worshiping, word, preaching, and we will carry on until God and the Holy Spirit shows us to stop. Many preachers have visited us and brought fresh words. Our church is experiencing the visit of the Spirit. We are passionate for Jesus. God is preciously changing lives, couples, families and the church and community in general. This fire will spread to other cities and nations.

César Emilio Gramajo, Tlalnepantla.



Wrongfully imprisoned missionary

On March 18 Manja’s case will be heard before a full panel of judges in the Supreme Court of Nepal. It often takes many hearings and cancellations before a case is fully decided. Last November two judges came to different conclusions, and Manja still waits patiently in his prison cell, shining the light of Christ to the people around him. Pray with us for Manja’s lawyer as he prepares and presents the case, and for the Lord to work in the hearts of each person who will hear it.

John Schwartz, Gospel for Asia.



Free Book From Gospel for Asia

In this exciting and fast-moving book, which we are reading this week, Dr. K.P.Yohannan tells the story of how God brought him from his remote Indian village to become the founder of Gospel for Asia one of the worlds most impressive missions. With true stories and incredible statistics, K.P. will encourage and challenge you to examine your lifestyle in view of millions who have never heard of Jesus. Go order it here  No catch, no strings and one of the best modern missions stories you will ever read.

Les and Pilar, the editors.




All our resources on the Web

Over a 3.5-year period, Cheryl has written 83 lectures for her Practical Ministries course on rehabilitation of handicapped people, and for interactive Distance Discipleship I have put an interactive School of Mission in English and Russian on the Internet. We also have six Bibles in seven languages, eight other courses and modules, in fact we have over 12,500 pages on each website and we keep in touch with all the online students - it keeps us quite busy,

Robert and Cheryl Hosken, Moscow



Just 8 Miles from Spain
Millions have never heard the gospel

In Western Europe we have more than 20 million Muslims that need to hear the gospel. Just 8 miles away from Spain is North Africa where millions of Muslims have never had a chance to hear about Jesus Christ.  We are working with two missions: with 112 years and several thousands of churches in Central America, and who have worked for a century among the least reached people of the world. Our plan is to see Latins joining the teams.

Tony and Brenda Vasquez, Madrid.


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United Kingdom
The Official Website for the UK


Free Easy English Bible items
Psalms & Gospels; prayers from the Bible and Drama scripts all free from our growing Accessible Easy English series. Click on 'AEE' at

Martin Lloyd, UK


London Extravaganza
every 4th Saturday

Gospel music with artistes from a variety of styles, free refreshments, no gimmicks, no payment at the door but an offering may be collected. Ample, free parking. We provide free training in street witnessing and door to door.

Ronald Lake, Church of St. Michael & St. George

1 Commonwealth Avenue, Shepherds Bush, London.

Looking for a job in missions ?

New Oscar forum for individuals, families or groups who are looking for a vacancy or opportunity in mission work, short or long term, UK or overseas based. No charge for this facility.

Oscar, the UK's best missions database



United States

New web forums 
for missionaries

I have felt a great burden for the missionaries around the world and have opened four forums in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French for missionaries where they can have a meeting point and pray for mutual needs and help each other.

Bishop David M. Yanez, IPWGC International.


USA - Philippines

Free training here at AIBI

The Asian Internet Bible Institute provides extensive, FREE, non-formal in-service bible and ministry training programs to pastors in English and Spanish via our web pages.

John Edmiston, Los Angeles.



Working with street children.

Every day many a life is lost in our city and we do not want to be idle when we know we can do something about it with God's help and that of those He wants to use. We urgently need a place for children and youth with serious addictions

Juan Carlos Vilar, Salto.


Venezuela’s Amazon

No greater contrast between two men
My friend Frank is a very important witch who enjoys our meetings but in his village he spends most of his time fighting against spirits. Sometimes he is quiet, but sometimes he speaks meaningless things which worry us. On the other hand, Samuel is a very special Yanomami; he is committed to praying from village to village, teaching the Bible. He is still the strongest and most mature of all the believers here; it is amazing that no one has anything to say against him.
Musme Apostol, Parima,
Missionary with the Yanomami people.


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DCI Banking for the Poor






The Word For Today

Accepting Your Assignment

'He Saved Us And Called Us.' 2 Timothy 1:9

You were put on earth to make a contribution. In God's kingdom you have a place, a purpose and a function to fulfil: that makes your life valuable! Maybe you grew up believing that being 'called' was something only the clergy experienced. Not so! In the Chinese church they welcome new believers by saying, 'Jesus now has new eyes to see with, new ears to listen with, new hands to work with, and a new heart to love others with.' Imagine if your liver decided to start living for itself: 'I'm tired! I'm taking a year off just to be fed. Let some other part take over.' Your body would die! Today thousands of churches and ministries are struggling because Christians are unwilling to serve. They sit on the sidelines like spectators, willing to give money but not time, and God's work suffers. Listen: 'All of you together are Christ's body, and each one of you is a necessary part of it' (1 Corinthians 12:27 NLT).There are no insignificant ministries. Some may be more visible than others, but all are essential. Sometimes hidden ministries actually make the biggest difference! In your home, the most important light isn't the big chandelier in your dining room. No, it's the little night light that keeps you from stubbing your toe on the way to the bathroom. There's no correlation between size and significance. Every ministry matters, because we're all dependent on each to function. So, as you go through this day, keep this thought clearly in mind: 'My life matters in God's kingdom. What I do makes a difference!'

© Bob Gass, UCB Radio, The Word for Today

Read today's Word for Today here and order the free book.



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