Pastor George Purkweri
DCI World Christians Partner, Lira Uganda

Badly burned survivors of recent massacres

Blind man receiving cassava roots to plant

Easter party to celebrate Christ's resurrection

We welcome the lost, last and least

Children receiving school books

Gifts of flour going into bags

Dear Les, Pilar and all at DCI,

I am writing to thank you for your love and participation in our suffering in northern part of Uganda. I am just thrilled and overwhelmed by the kind of concern that you have showed to us at such a difficult time like this.

By your prayers God has started to bring peace and even turned the war. We see ‘’a light at the tunnel.’’ People have started going back from the camps to their homes as the rebel tragedies are subsiding now.

Pastor George Purkweri.

DCI Uganda and Sudan
14th June 2004


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We need support from a world of readers so that we can support a very different world of people and projects in mission and social action. No deductions for administration are ever taken. Thank you.
Les and Pilar, the editors and founders.
The DCI Trust, 1987-2004
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