Visit to Remote India

Names and places have been deleted for security reasons


" We just safely returned home, which itself is a big testimony. The Lord gave us a chance to work in His vineyard and also the strength.  We once again got a chance to visit (I guess) the most backward and remote harvest fields.

I was shocked to note some testimonies that there are still some tribes living like the days of Adam. They don't wear much clothes, nor move out of their villages. Human sacrifice is still common and witch doctors are a terror. After they behead a person they put them in a an ant hill. And by morning the whole body is unrecognisable. 

They are to themselves and anybody visiting them has to take Government's permission (which is difficult) and that too without cameras.  But the good news is that my family had the opportunity to visit these villages in the early 1950's and given them God's word. I am told there are some churches in these villages which I would like to visit maybe next time. The only access to these villages is on foot. No roads for jeeps, motorcycle or even bicycle.

What we got to visit some churches on the foothills of mountains, still very poor and backward.  No electricity, hospitals nor roads.  Our 15 Kms journey was turned to 140 Kms and that too passing to rivers and valley, because there is no bridge on the river. These churches have all been planted by my family. Now young men, the sons and grandsons, of the people that once were discipled by my family have taken over. They have joined other different Christian organisations but bear regards to the family. They were overjoyed to have us and heartily welcomed us.

The spirit of the Lord moved mightily and over 70 people accepted the Lord.  There were 7 baptisms at one village.  There are many young workers but not properly trained.  They have they eyes fixed to the west without which they feel they will not survive. My heart went out for them and desired to stay more with them and maybe conduct some short term training programme for them. But time was short and all things need to be confirmed with the 'Lord of harvest'.

All this has been possible because of your fervent prayers. This state has many wounds which only God can heal and turn into a blessing. There has been much violence of late so thank you so much for remembering us in your daily prayers."


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