We are based in
Nottinghamshire, England

and we are happy to travel


How can we help you or your church ?

We can help form prayer groups that focus on people and projects in mission.

With 25 years each of Christian work behind us and all the network contacts of these pages, we can advise, counsel and help you move prayerfully forward in the call of God or with the issues of Christian work abroad or in opening partnerships with churches and missions overseas.

We can help you open your own School of Mission along the lines of our Schools of Discipleship and Mission which can be found in many countries around the world.

We can help you run an easy 10 week evening course
to explain God's Plan for the Nations to your church

We can teach any of the different courses from our School of Mission in a modular format over days, weekends or in dedicated weeks or summer camps.

We can host a special day to help equip a church to participate as senders in the call to the Great Commission. This page Serving as Senders gives an outline which can be expanded in greater detail.

We can host a seminar to help prospective missionaries and Christian workers to Raise their Support.

We can talk to you about the DCI Banking for the Poor scheme and help you set up your own.

We can visit and speak at meetings, celebrations and conferences.

You are welcome to come visit us at home by appointment, the kettle is always on and we speak English and Spanish. To find out who we are click here.

You are welcome to ask about anything else!

Les and Pilar

Click here to contact us

We will try and reply the same day

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