In 1964, when I was 17, I went on a boat trip with the Scouts. I was one of their leaders and I wanted to show the good example so I put on a life jacket before going for a swim. The life jackets back then had cotton ties which are almost impossible to untie once wet. My life jacket was faulty and it started to take in water. As the cotton ties were wet, I couldn't untie them and I started to sink further and further.

I saw death coming and I remember not panicking but praying the Lord's Prayer fervently and asking Him to forgive all my sins conscious and unconscious. Then there was a complete calm and I remember seeing the entrance of a long tunnel with a really bright light at the end and hearing a music so wonderful that I can't even describe in words! I was walking in the tunnel towards the light. The closer I was to the light, the more I felt a wonderful Peace enveloping me. I had no doubt that I was coming 'home' to the place our God had prepared for me.

Then suddenly as I was still progressing in the tunnel, I was watching my friends bringing my body out of the water and trying in vain to bring me back to life. I had such a feeling of well-being that I really didn't want to come back to this tight body. But God made it clear that it was not my time and I woke up throwing up sea water on the deck of the boat.

Back in these days, it was not the done thing to mention this experience... So I kept it in my heart but from that day I have never been afraid of dying because I knew what was waiting for me.

Since then I have always tried to be ready to go 'home' as no one knows the place, the day or the hour of his or her death except the Father. What a wonderful feeling to know that you are ready by repenting of all the things you've done wrong and knowing that you are forgiven not because you've earned it, but because of God's grace.

I am currently being treated for a life threatening illness and only a couple of weeks ago I had a bad reaction to an anti-sickness drug. I slipped quietly into a coma without even realising it and had my wife not been there to raise the alarm I would probably have died. This time, there was no time to 'prepare' myself before meeting my Lord as I was not aware of what was happening to me. I know I was ready then and I am ready now. But what I want to ask you if you have the courage to read these lines is: 'Are YOU ready?'

I feel that we are making a big mistake in attracting people to our churches by preaching to them that God is Love and He loves us as we are - Full Stop. That is true but it is not the WHOLE truth. We must confess that we are sinners and repent from our wrong doings. Then we will be at peace with our Maker and we will be able to face death with no fear when the day comes.

Jean François Bur

7 July 2009

Translated from French by Catherine Northey

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