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Banking for the poor
The Party for the poor

Making ends meet
The Money Forum
School of Economics
Business for Mission
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The DCI Movement

the call to the lost,
the last and the least
and open to all.

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16 world languages



Click to see DCI People

DCI is an international small group with no walls, no frontiers, no fees and open to all, each member helping the others to reach the lost, the last and the least of the world which is our focus.

DCI has never been a fund-raising organisation nor do we make appeals, send out magazines or ask for offerings, rather we are a gathering point for people who feel called to give their time, gifts, skills and money to answer the call of Christ. As Pastor Oswald Smith famously said in the 1930's, "If you can't go yourself, then for God's sake, send someone else." This is what we try to do.

One easy way to join us is to get together with a few like-minded people to form a small group and do what lots of our small groups do:

  • Worship together and pray for us and for people and projects, tell us your ideas, prophetic words and any way you can help.

  • Why not study the School of Mission lessons and invite others to come. Start your own School of Mission to bless your city and to raise up leaders, senders and supporters for mission.

  • Do something beautiful for the poor, the widows, the world's orphans and refugees and help people who are serving nearby or far away. Think about starting a Bank for the Poor to create work and income.

  • Find ways of raising men, money or materials for projects. 

  • Always try to serve overseas missions in your local church.

  • Ask us for any help or advice that we can give you, we may be able to help you.

  • We always welcome gifts and offerings to support our work.
  • Some of the small groups turn into new churches or Schools of Mission.

To open a DCI School of Mission anywhere in the world . .
You will need roots going down into prayer, the word of God, fellowship and the Holy Spirit and be under the authority of elders, trustees, a supervising pastor or a denomination. You will give free training that leads to evangelism, mission, church planting and be ready to bless the poor, be open to all believers and give a warm welcome to people who are not. We will do everything that we can to help you and your work, and in return you may help other members of the network. Click here or on the photo to see lots of DCI people.

Click to see an illustration of what DCI looks like.
Click to see our Vision and Values document.

See Who are We

You are very welcome to come and help us
from wherever you live in the world . . .
We are always looking for opportunities to meet new leaders and equip them for the call of God on their lives. We need more people to GO to the lost, the last and the least, and more people to SEND and EQUIP them. We welcome writers, translators, editors and leaders of new small groups.

No-one in the DCI movement receives a salary although we do try to look after each other. You may need to communicate in English and be PC literate althjough we work in several languages.

E-mail us here and we will try to reply to you the same day.

Les and Pilar Norman.